Photo of Sarah A. Phillips and Bradley S. Phillips

Spinal cord injuries come with complex challenges

On Behalf of | Jun 23, 2021 | Personal Injury |

When spinal cord injuries are mentioned, most people immediately think about paralysis. While that’s one of the more devastating consequences that can occur with this type of injury, there are many others that might also happen. One of these is a lack of sensation that can be problematic and dangerous.

The victim of a spinal cord injury may be able to feel sensations in parts of their body but not others. The lack of sensation generally occurs in areas of the victim’s body that are lower than the damaged area of the spinal cord. 

Lack of physical sensations can be deadly

For some people who have a spinal cord injury, lack of sensation can be a challenge. This means that they won’t be able to feel things that others feel. For example, they may not feel pain if they’re burned in an area that’s affected. Unfortunately, this lack of sensation could mask serious medical issues. 

For example, the person may not feel pain from an infection, which could allow that infection to worsen until it becomes more than the body can handle. They could go into septic shock. Anyone who has had a spinal cord injury will have to be vigilant about their health so they don’t miss important clues that something is amiss. 

When you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury in a wreck

Victims of car crashes that lead to spinal cord injuries should ensure that they get the medical care they need. The care these individuals need can be rather costly. They might opt to seek compensation for the financial damages they’re experiencing due to the crash. This is handled through a personal injury claim against the parties that are liable for the crash. Taking action quickly is imperative because of time limits built into state law.