Photo of Sarah A. Phillips and Bradley S. Phillips

Fighting a Protective Order in Louisiana

by | Oct 16, 2023 | Criminal Defense |

In Louisiana, protective orders serve as legal tools to protect individuals from threats, harassment, or violence. While they are essential for safeguarding victims, there are situations where individuals find themselves wrongly accused or unjustly served with a protective order.   This happens more than people realize.  As a criminal defense attorney, my goal is to shed light on how to fight a protective order in Louisiana and protect your rights.

1. Understand the Protective Order: The first step in challenging a protective order is to fully comprehend its terms, conditions, and the specific allegations made against you. This information will be crucial as you build your defense.

2. Consult an Attorney: Seek the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney who can provide you with tailored advice and legal representation. Having an attorney by your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

3. Gather Evidence: Collect any evidence that supports your side of the story. This could include text messages, emails, social media posts, or witness statements that refute the allegations made against you.

4. Investigate the Allegations: Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to uncover any inconsistencies or falsehoods in the allegations. This may involve interviewing witnesses, examining timelines, and gathering evidence that contradicts the petitioner’s claims.

5. Build a Solid Defense: Work with your attorney to construct a strong defense strategy. This may involve presenting evidence that disputes the need for a protective order or demonstrating that the allegations lack credibility.

6. Attend the Hearing: Protective orders typically involve a court hearing where both parties have an opportunity to present their case. Be prepared to present your evidence and arguments effectively, guided by your attorney.

7. Cross-Examine Witnesses: Your attorney will cross-examine witnesses presented by the petitioner to challenge their credibility and the validity of their claims.

8. Address the Court: If you choose to testify, it’s essential to do so truthfully and effectively. Your attorney can help you prepare for this.

9. Follow Court Orders: While your protective order case is pending, it’s crucial to adhere to any temporary orders issued by the court. Failure to do so can have negative consequences for your case.

10. Appeal If Necessary: If the court issues a protective order against you, you have the right to appeal the decision. Your attorney can guide you through this process and work towards a favorable outcome.

Challenging a protective order in Louisiana can be a complex and emotionally charged endeavor. It’s essential to have a skilled attorney who understands the intricacies of protective order cases and can advocate for your rights. Whether you believe you’ve been wrongfully accused or the protective order is unjust, remember that you have the right to a fair legal process. Seek legal representation, gather evidence, and work diligently to present your case in court.  Call our office today at 504-434-7000 if you believe you are the victim of a false protective order.