Photo of Sarah A. Phillips and Bradley S. Phillips

Airbags can still cause injuries

On Behalf of | Nov 5, 2023 | Personal Injury |

Virtually every modern car is now fitted with airbag systems. Studies indicate that this safety feature can save lives. Nonetheless, the technology is not foolproof and airbags can still cause injuries.

Outlined below are some of the more common injuries associated with airbags.

Friction burns

If you touch the external material of an airbag it almost has the texture of a sack. While it is true that an inflated airbag could prevent your head from hitting the windshield or other hard parts of the vehicle, that doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get off scot-free in a high-speed collision. Airbags have the potential to cause nasty friction burns that can be very painful.

Neck injuries

The momentum of a collision will send your body flying in one direction, and the airbag will counter this movement. High-speed collisions result in much more jolting than your body is used to, and your neck is especially vulnerable. The force on your neck could cause whiplash, nerve damage and even fractures in more severe circumstances.

Your face and head are still exposed

Airbags can stop you from hitting your head on hard parts of the vehicle, but they might not prevent head and facial trauma altogether. Despite being a softer material than metal, airbags are still hard enough to cause facial injuries and head trauma. Broken orbital bones, cheekbones, dental fractures and broken noses are commonly associated with collisions where airbags have been deployed.

Airbags could lessen the extent of your injuries during a collision but these injuries can still be serious. If someone else caused the collision through negligence, then you could be entitled to compensation. Seeking legal guidance will give you the best chance of obtaining this.